Finn Slough Videos

 Eva moves through the drawbridge:

Al is bringing the fish boat EVA down from its winter cradle at Finn Slough for the summer. To get through the bridge to Gilmour Island it is necessary to remove five planks, so David is lifting the last one just in time. Hear that sound? It is the sound of EVA's classic make and break Easthope gas engine.

Al Starts the Easthope Engine in EVA

Al is starting the EASTHOPE two cylinder gas engine in the classic 1937 gill-net fish boat EVA.   It is not as easy as you might imagine.  The distinctive pop-pop-pop is a sound from the past. The first power plant in this boat was the 8-12 horsepower model weighing in at 400 pounds. In the nineteen-forty's it was switched to a 10-18 HP model weighing twice as much.

Easthope Engine Running in EVA

Here is the 10-18 horsepower two cylinder Easthope gas engine running in the classic 1937 fish boat EVA.

EVA Idling at Finn Slough

Here is EVA idling at Finn Slough preparing to head out for the summer. Hear that sound? That is the sound of EVA's classic make and break Easthope gas engine.

EVA enters Finn Slough and comes alongside the dock.

EVA on a Fraser River Sunset Run

Here is the classic 1937 fish boat EVA heading down the mighty Fraser River near Finn Slough.

EVA in the mouth of Finn Slough

Al docking EVA at Finn Slough